2D CAD technical drawings
2D CAD technical drawings and pdf project documentation is required as a record of design and construction, as well as for building permit applications.
Drawings derived from native 3D modeling software are the most accurate and easy to update if changes occur during design or construction phase.
If you are looking for mechanical, electrical and architectural drafting services, don’t look any further and outsource CAD drafting services to GET-TECH.
We can provide any type of technical drawings at all project phases, including architectural and structural floor plans, MEP systems layouts, sections, elevations, sketches, profiles, schematics, details and equipment schedules as well as PDMS diagrams at very competitive prices.
Outsourcing drafting services will make your life easier, more efficient and will enhance your design productivity by taking away the “heavy lifting” process of doing hard and costly work on your own. The innovative technology that GTI uses helps our clients who outsource CAD drafting services save time and money by increasing efficiency and reducing errors & rework. Innovation is on its rise and GTI is taking the huge opportunity to help the clients realize its benefits through the efficient and affordable architectural drafting services.
Before Outsourcing drafting services, it is important to take in account few important aspects: your current workload, your resources and their experience in similar types of projects. If the workload grows suddenly and all resources are busy working on their projects, there is no better way to solve the problem, than contacting us for help. After analyzing your individual needs, we will prepare our estimate for your projects of any size, budget and timeline.
Our team specializes in all engineering and architectural drafting services. Based on your marked-up sketches and pictures we are able to quickly model your project in 3D and provide floor plans and sections at every mm of the 3D space to show any kind of details you need in a few clicks. This is the power of 3D models, as compared to 2D CAD drawings.
Our clients, who decided to outsource CAD drafting services to GET-TECH include larger and smaller architectural, engineering, consulting and construction companies, as well as building owners and our team has been working on all different types of documents issued for permit, for tender, for construction, fabrication as well as as-built and record drawings.
We are very flexible in terms of drafting standards and can either use our own, or your specific templates to provide you with high quality technical drawings.
If you have any questions related to outsourcing drafting services don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.